You are here: Using > Transmit > Export Database

Export Database


The Export Database sends the database of debtors, debts, users and tool settings from the local government's computer system to the Clearinghouse. The purpose would be if the Clearinghouse requested it to do some testing a problem or to combine or replace using an ASCII or Excel file.


Frequency: this option can be executed at anytime. However, it will normally be requested by the Clearinghouse. Once the file is transmitted and received at the Clearinghouse, an Upload Confirmation email is automatically sent as final confirmation that the file was transmitted.


this menu requires access rights assigned in the User Setup.


1)once the Selective Export is executed be sure to call or email the Clearinghouse and provide instructions on what to do with the file(s); 2) if a combine or replace is to be done, also do the Export to Clearinghouse-Export Database; 3) check for an Import Status report by the following Monday or Tuesday. If you do not receive it contact the Clearinghouse to be sure your debtor information was processed. Before calling make sure the email didn't go into your Junk folder or wasn't treated as spam.



1. From the Main Menu click Transmit:



There are two functions within Transmit:




 2. Move the mouse over the Export to Clearinghousefunction to view the five options:



3. Move the mouse over Export Database and click this option: 



4. The following screen appears:




5. Click to begin the upload process


6. A progress bar appears, for a large database this could take several minutes: