There is a vast amount of information regarding the participation with the the NC Debt Setoff Clearinghouse. This page is a centralized location and good place to start.
Interested in Participating in the Setoff Debt Program?
There are several required Forms in order to get started. In addition, an online 2025 Participation Form is required initially and annually.
Legislation and Fees for Debt Setoff
- N. C. General Statutes - full version
- N. C. General Statutes - consolidated version
- Legislated Collection Fees (all to the debtor):
- $5.00 - Department of Revenue (per tax return)
- $5.00 - Education Lottery (per winning over $600)
- $15.00 - Clearinghouse (per debt over $50 per calendar year)
Methods for Submitting Data
Spreadsheet - such as Microsoft Excel - Excel Sample.xls is a format ready to use
ASCII (standard for exchanging data among different computer systems) - from external billing/accounting systems or third-party vendors - ASCII Layout
Hardcopy forms - for those who have a small number of debts with none or limited staff resources (free data entry for 50 debtors or less, call us to discuss) - Hardcopy Debt Submission.pdf
Client software - provides the functions of entering debtors and debts. There are multiple reports and even methods to do interest accrual. An integrated file transfer automates sending to our computer system and will also download to your computer and update debtors that are setoff by the Department of Revenue and/or the Education Lottery.
What we offer:
At NO cost, we can assist with installing our client software, on a standalone workstation or a network. We will provide online and by telephone the training to get you operational. If you don't have any I.T. support we should be able to do get you operational or let you know what I.T. needs to do. We can also provide support with data entry in the event that you not have the resources available. Call us with all of your questions and concerns, even conference in other staff and even your vendors.
Where we deliver:
The Clearinghouse provides quick effective services and support at NO cost to all participating local governments. We will work with your contracted vendors, I.T. staff and other internal personnel to ensure you can submit all types of debts from any department. We can also assist you with different types of data from different computer systems. And if you have a computer disaster we can provide you a file of all your debtors and debts from the last time you sent us a file.